General conditions

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General conditions | Personal data protection Policy | Guarantees and returns | Shipments

General Terms

A. General terms and conditions

1.1 The present general contracting conditions, together with any particular conditions that may be established, shall expressly regulate the relations that arise with A. G. Shoes, S. L., domiciled in Elche, Juan De La Cierva number 18 and with C.I.F B-53197083 (hereinafter "A.G.Shoes") and third parties (hereinafter "Users") who use the Internet portal, (hereinafter the "Portal"), as well as with third parties who contract the products offered through it.

A.G.Shoes reserves, at all times, the right to modify unilaterally, without prior notice, and at any time the presentation and configuration of the Portal.

1.2 These General Conditions have been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Law 7/1998 about General Conditions of Contract, Royal Decree 1906/1999 regulating telephone or electronic contracting with general conditions in development of Article 5.3 of Law 7/1998, General Law 26/1984 for the Defence of Consumers and Users, Law 7/1996 on the Regulation of Retail Trade, Royal Decree-Law 14/1999 regulating the Electronic Signature and any other legal provisions that may apply.

1.3 By using the A.G.Shoes Portal, you acquire User condition. Both the visit and the use and/or the acquisition of any of the products of the Portal, suppose the acceptance as User, without reservations of any kind, to each and every one of the General Conditions, as well as in its case, to the Particular Conditions that, in its case, govern the acquisition.

1.4 A.G.Shoes may, at any time and without prior notice, modify these General Conditions by publishing these modifications on the Portal so that they may always be known by Users before visiting the Portal or acquiring any goods offered on the Portal.

II. Products offered. Purchasing system

2.1 The products offered on the Portal, together with their characteristics and prices, will appear on the screen.

Also will appear on screen shipping costs to the home of the User, free in Spain (except Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla) and borne by the buyer in international shipments. These products will be available for sale until the end of stock. The prices indicated on the screen are in euros and include the V.A.T. and any other tax that is not applicable and are the current ones, except for typographical error.

Offers will be duly indicated on screen. A.G.Shoes reserves the right to decide, at any time, the products contained and offered to Users through the Portal. Thus, A.G.Shoes may at any time add new products to those included in the Portal, it being understood, unless otherwise provided, that such new products shall be governed by the provisions of the General Conditions in effect at that time.

Likewise, A.G.Shoes reserves the right to stop facilitating access, at any time and without prior notice, to any of the products offered on the Portal.

2.2. For the acquisition of the products offered in the Portal, A.G.Shoes will request the Users to proceed to register, for which these Users, must complete the instructions that appear on screen and that will require to execute the following instructions:

- Complete Complementation of the electronic form that appears in the Portal at any time following the instructions indicated in it.

- Click on the "Accept" button.

- Reception of the "User Name" and "Password" in the User's e-mail account.

The User Name and Password are personal and non-transferable. A.G.Shoes will be able to carry out, with the adequate notice, modifications in the user name and/or password, in which case the modified keys will lose their validity.

2.3 Once the User has registered, and in order to proceed with the purchase of Products, must add the product that wishes to the Shopping Cart, according to the indications shown on the screen, filling in the order form provided and sending it to A.G.Shoes, which implies the reading and acceptance of all the present General Conditions, as well as the existing Particular Conditions.

The purchase will be understood to have been made at the address of A.G.Shoes, located at Juan De La Cierva, 18, 03203, Elche.

2.4 Once the purchase has been made, if the buyer requests it, in the shortest possible time, always before thirty (30) days have elapsed from the execution of the purchase, the Customer Service Department of A.G.Shoes will send the buyer User to the address indicated in the corresponding invoice form. The order confirmation sent by A.G.Shoes will not be valid as an invoice, only as proof of purchase.

III. payment method, delivery and withdrawal of orders

3.1 The payment of the price of goods purchased and shipping costs (in the Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla and international shipments), which will appear on screen, may be made by bank transfer, payment by card, paypal or cash on delivery (it carries a surcharge of 5% on the purchase with a minimum of € 5).

3.2 A.G.Shoes undertakes to deliver the goods purchased by the User, at the address of the buyer indicated for this purpose in the order form (no products will be delivered to PO boxes or call shops), in the shortest time possible and, in any case, always before thirty (30) calendar days from the date of placing the order. The shipping costs of the objects purchased will be free of charge for the Buyer.

3.3. The User-Buyer will have a period of fourteen (14) working days, according to the official calendar of his place of residence, to resolve the sale without incurring any penalty or expense, including the costs of returning the goods.

The period of 14 days established in the previous paragraph will be calculated from the reception by the purchaser of the goods purchased.

The returns of the orders will be managed according to the section of Guarantee and return. Nevertheless, it is excluded the right of resolution (withdrawal) in those cases in which by the nature of the content of the services is impossible to carry out, without prejudice to the claim for damages suffered.

In the event that the product is subject to warranty, this is always 2 years, and free of charge, all costs incurred by the buyer to repair or replace the damaged device, especially those arising from transport, labor and materials. The warranty does not include damage caused by the use of the product in question.

Returns are admitted, as long as the article is in its original state, without being used or damaged, it must always be in its original packaging, keep labels and complements included inside the box. It will have right of return, within 14 working days following the date of reception and previous notice through the service of attention to the client.

IV. Intellectual and Industrial Property.

4.1 All the contents shown in the Portal and especially, designs, graphics, logos, photographs of articles, trade names or any other signs susceptible of industrial and commercial use are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights of A.G.Shoes or of third party holders of the same that have duly authorized their inclusion in the Portal.

All Industrial and Intellectual Property rights are reserved for the elements that make up the graphic design of the website, the texts, images and any other content of the website or, in any case, you have authorization for the use of such elements.

4.2 In no case shall it be understood that any licence is granted or that a waiver, transmission, total or partial cession of said rights is carried out, nor shall any right be conferred, and in particular, of alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of said contents without the prior express authorisation of A.G.Shoes or of the corresponding owners.

V. Responsibility of A.G.Shoes

5.1 A.G.Shoes shall only be liable for any damage that the User may suffer as a consequence of using the Portal when such damage is attributable to fraudulent action by the same. The User acknowledges and accepts that the use of the Portal, as well as the acquisition of the products is carried out under his entire risk and responsibility.

5.2 A.G.Shoes is not responsible for any damages that may arise from, but not limited to.

- Inferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, breakdowns and/or disconnections in the operative functioning of this electronic system or in the devices and computer equipment of the Users, motivated by causes unrelated to A.G.Shoes, which prevent or delay the execution of orders or the navigation through the portal;

- Delays or blockages in the use caused by deficiencies or overloads of Internet or other electronic systems;

- That may be caused by third parties through illegitimate intrusions outside the control of the Portal and that are not attributable to A.G. Shoes.

- Differences in the information, documentation and/or other content of the Portal that may exist between the electronic version and the printed version;

- The impossibility of providing the Service or allowing access for reasons not attributable to A.G.Shoes, due to the User, third parties, or cases of force majeure.

5.3 A.G.Shoes does not control, with general character, the use that the Users make of the Service.

In particular, A.G.Shoes does not guarantee, under any circumstances, that Users will use the Service in accordance with the law, these General Conditions, generally accepted morals and good customs and public order, nor that they will do so in a diligent and prudent manner.

VI Obligations of the user

6.1 In general, the User is obliged to comply with the present General Conditions, as well as to comply with the special warnings or instructions for use contained in the same or in the Portal and to always act in accordance with the law, good customs and the requirements of good faith, using the diligence appropriate to the nature of the service enjoyed, refraining from using the Portal in any way that may prevent, damage or deteriorate the normal functioning of the same, the goods or rights of A.G.Shoes, its suppliers, the rest of Users or in general of any third party.

6.2 Specifically, and without this implying any restriction on the obligation assumed by the User in general in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the User undertakes, in the use of the Portal, as well as in the acquisition of the Products to:- In the event of registration, the User undertakes to truthfully provide the data provided and to keep them updated.

- Not to introduce, store or disseminate on or from the Portal, any information or material that is defamatory, insulting, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, incites violence to discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, ideology, religion or in any way violates the form, public order, fundamental rights, public freedoms, honor, privacy or the image of others and in general the regulations in force.

- Not to introduce, store or disseminate through the Portal any computer program, data, virus, code, hardware or telecommunications equipment or any other electronic or physical instrument or device that may cause damage to the Portal, to any of the Services, or to any of the equipment, systems or networks of A.G.Shoes, of any User, of the suppliers of A.G.Shoes or in general of any third party, or that in any other way may be capable of causing any type of alteration to them or prevent their normal operation.

- To properly guard their user name and password, as identifiers and enablers for access to the purchase of products, agreeing not to cede their use or allow access to them by third parties, assuming responsibility for damages that may arise from improper use of them. Likewise, the user undertakes to notify A.G.Shoes, as quickly as possible, of its loss or theft, as well as of any risk of access to the user name and/or password by a third party.

- Not to carry out advertising, promotional or commercial exploitation activities through the Portal, not to use the contents and in particular the information obtained through the Portal to send advertising, to send messages for direct sale purposes or for any other commercial purpose, nor to collect or store personal data of third parties.

- Not to use false identities, nor to supplant the identity of others in the use of the Portal or in the use or acquisition of any of the Products, including the use in its case of passwords or passwords of access of third parties or of any other form.

- Not to destroy, alter, render useless or damage the data, information, programs or electronic documents of A.G.Shoes, its suppliers or third parties.

- Not to introduce, to store or to spread by means of the Portal any content that infringes rights of intellectual, industrial property or business secrets of third, nor in general any content of which it did not ostentara, in accordance with the law, the right to put it at the disposal of third.

VII. Communications

For the purposes of these General Conditions, and for any communication that may be necessary between A.G.Shoes and the User, these should be addressed to the Customer Service Department (email:, telephone: +34 647 556 857, whatsapp: +34 647 556 857 or by means of a written communication addressed to the Customer Service Department of A.G.Shoes. Juan De La Cierva, 18, 103203, Elche, Alicante - Spain)

The communications of A.G.Shoes to the User will be made according to the data provided by the User when registering in the Portal.

VIII. Applicable law. Arbitration

8.1 This contract shall be governed by Spanish law, which shall be applicable in all matters not provided for in this contract in matters of interpretation, validity and performance.

8.2 In the event of any discrepancy or claim between the parties concerning the performance or content of these General Conditions, the parties shall negotiate in good faith to attempt to resolve such discrepancy or claim within a maximum period of one (1) month from the date on which either of them formally notifies the other that the discrepancy has arisen or notifies the claim.

In the event that the discrepancy or claim is not resolved within the maximum period indicated, the parties, expressly waiving any jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit the decision on the matter raised to the Arbitration Institution of the Spanish Association of Technological Arbitration (ARBITEC), which is entrusted with the administration of the arbitration and the appointment of the arbitrators in accordance with its Rules and Statutes.

Likewise, the parties undertake to accept and comply with the decision contained in the arbitration award. If the arbitration does not take place by mutual agreement or is declared null and void, both parties submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Elche, Alicante, expressly waiving their own jurisdiction, if this were another.

B. Personal data protection policy

1.1 For the purposes of the provisions of Law 17/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, A.G.Shoes informs the user of the existence of an automated file of personal data created with the data obtained in the Portal by and for A.G.Shoes, and under its responsibility, for the purposes of information and marketing of products offered on the Portal, as well as carrying out promotional and advertising activities that may be of interest, to expand and improve our products by adapting our offers to your preferences or needs and to allow personalized navigation.

1.2 The user expressly accepts the inclusion of data collected during navigation through the Portal, or provided through the completion of any form, as well as those arising from the business relationship and / or delivery of products purchased, in the automated file of personal data referred to in the first paragraph. During the data collection process, the User will be informed of the obligatory or non mandatory nature of collection of such data for the delivery of the Products, except for the placing of orders in which case A.G.Shoes informs the User from this moment that it will not be considered voluntary, so it will be necessary to include it for the formalization of the purchase order, provide data relating to identity, address and credit card number to make payment, as these data are necessary for the formalization and conclusion of the sale.

1.3 The User may exercise, with respect to the data collected in the manner provided in the preceding paragraph, the rights recognized in Law 15/1999, and in particular the rights of access, rectification or cancellation of data and opposition, if appropriate, as well as revocation of consent for the transfer of their data. The rights referred to in the preceding paragraph may be exercised by the User, by written and signed request addressed to the following address: Customer Service Department of A.G.Shoes, Juan De La Cierva, 18, 03203, Elche, or by sending an email to the address providing all registration data.

1.5 A.G.Shoes undertakes, in the use of the data included in the file, to respect its confidentiality and to use them in accordance with the purpose of the file, as well as to comply with its obligation to save them and to adopt all the measures to avoid alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorised access, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on Security Measures for automated files containing personal data, approved by Royal Decree 994/1999, of 11 July.

Guarantees and Returns

Guarantee of our products

All the articles on the portal are 100% made in Spain, from design to finish. The brands "Ángel Alarcón" and "Mikaela" are national firms with an international projection that pass rigorous quality controls.

In addition, all our articles are checked before shipment to check their correct condition. Our duty is that the customer is fully satisfied with the purchase, if otherwise it was not so, you can change or return the items.

Returns or exchanges

Deadline for return or exchange

You have 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the item to return or exchange the item.

Return or exchange costs

For orders sent to peninsula and Balearic Islands the returns are borne by the company, are free for customers of

For orders outside Spain the returns are the responsibility of the customer, he must send us the shoes to manage the refund of money.

How to make the return or exchange?

You can make the return or exchange through your order history. You can follow the steps in the section changes and returns

It is essential that the product to be returned is in its original state: it must not be used or damaged, it must be in its original packaging, keep the labels and components included inside the box.

If a returned item does not meet these requirements, we will not refund your price and the item will be returned to you at your expense.

Money back guarantee

Once the merchandise has been received and after checking it, the corresponding amount of the article will be exchanged or refunded according to the method of payment made by the client (within a maximum period of 15 days from the reception of the package in the offices).

In the event that the product has been purchased on cash on delivery will be paid the amount of the product at the time of collection of the package. Management costs will not be paid.

In the returns of shipments abroad the amount of the transport will not be paid.

Shipments & refunds


Shipping to Spain is free of charge (except Canary Islands). Except for payment cash on delivery, where there are administration fees.

Shipping outside Spain cost 10-50€

For orders outside Spain the shipping and transit cost varies depending on the country and products purchased. We are working to increase this list adding more countries. If you want to buy some shoes and your country is not in the list, please, contact us

Here a aproximate list of the shiping cost by country. Note that final price will be shown in the order.

Australia 50 € 7-10 days
Austria 12,5 € 4-5 days
Belgium 12,5 € 4-5 days
Bulgaria 29 € 6-7 days
Canada 45 € 7-10 days
Czech republic 16 € 4-5 days
Croatia 29 € 6-7 days
Cyprus 29 € 6-7 days
Denmark 18 € 4-5 days
Estonia 29 € 7-8 days
Finland 29 € 7-8 days
France 11,5 € 3-4 days
Germany 11,5 € 4-5 days
Greece 31 € 7-8 days
Holland 12,5 € 4-5 days
Hungary 29 € 5-6 days
Ireland 29 € 5-6 days
Italy 12,5 € 4-5 days
Latvia 29 € 7-8 days
Lithuania 29 € 6-7 days
Luxemburgo 12,5 € 4-5 days
Monaco 11,5 € 3-4 days
Poland 20 € 5-6 days
Portugal 5,40 € 3-4 days
Slovakia 18 € 5-6 days
Slovenia 18 € 5-6 days
Switzerland 29 € 7-8 days
Sweden 29 € 7-8 days
Romania 29 € 5-6 days
United Kingdom 25 € 6-7 days
United States 45 € 7-10 days

For orders sent to Canary Islands and outside Spain. Shipment costs are at customer expenses. Please note that original shipping costs will not be refunded.


Our aim is your satisfaction, so if you are not happy with the product received you can change them or ask for a refund.

What is the lead time for change or refund?

Lead time is 14 days from reception date.

How can I ask for a change or refund?

Please contact us with your order number, number and style, within 14 days of receipt of shipment. You can contact us through Costumer service.

Is there any charge for a return?

For orders sent to Spain, return is free of charge (sent and returned in Spanish territory except Cabary Islands).

For orders sent to Canary Islands and outside Spain. Return costs are at customer expenses. Please note that original shipping costs will not be refunded.

Customer service

If you have any questions about our shoes, or the online shop you can contact us.Please also check our FAQ's.

Customer service open hours

Spain hours

Monday to Thursday: 8:00 to 17:30

Friday 8:00 - 14:00

Bank holidays closed


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